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Fighting FOD
Directionally Challenged

While no one was injured, this whole event could have been prevented had the Soldier just put his ego aside and asked questions. As instructors, we are here to help. Fortunately, this Soldier’s mistake didn’t cost him his life.

  • 1 September 2022
  • Comments: 0
Avoiding Left-turners

<p>Left-turning vehicles continue to be a significant hazard to motorcyclists. Surviving the ride requires we understand how left-turner crashes occur and how to avoid them. Ride safe!</p>

  • 1 September 2022
  • Comments: 0
How Designated is Your Driver?

The driver was going over the posted speed limit and there was a light rain that had been falling for a few hours. He’d driven this road from his installation to the city, where they partied, several times, but this trip was different.

  • 21 August 2022
  • Author: USACRC Editor
  • Number of views: 256
  • Comments: 0
No Shortcuts in Tractor Safety

Growing up in the South, I operated tractors on a regular basis. I always thought the seat belt and rollover protective structure were so stupid. After hearing the details of an unfortunate tractor mishap, I quickly changed my tune.

  • 21 August 2022
  • Author: USACRC Editor
  • Number of views: 292
  • Comments: 0
Unrecognized Spatial Disorientation

Spatial disorientation is a significant concern in aviation. What’s even more worrisome is that it often goes unrecognized and can result in catastrophic consequences.

  • 21 August 2022
  • Author: USACRC Editor
  • Number of views: 349
  • Comments: 0