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Convoy Tragedy

In 2008, I was part of the 14th Combat Engineer Battalion, 555th Combat Engineer Brigade. The unit was reassigned from Kirkuk, in the northern region of Iraq, to Tallil Air Base in the south.

Navigating Risk Management

When we woke the class at 0445 to prepare for a land navigation performance evaluation, the air was already thick and humid. All of the candidates were anxious because their most feared event was finally upon them.

  • 1 December 2014
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A Different Kind of Overconfidence

You hear a lot about overconfidence in the military and how it causes Soldiers to become complacent or take unnecessary risks. Whether it’s a feeling of invincibility or just a Soldier’s ego, overconfidence is a problem leaders deal with constantly.

  • 1 November 2014
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If snow or ice on a vehicle contributes to a mishap, whether it’s due to you or someone else exercising bad judgment or actions, it’s not bad luck. It’s irresponsible and shows a total disregard for others’ safety.

  • 1 November 2014
  • Author: Army Safety
  • Number of views: 10477
  • Comments: 0
Sleepless in the Saddle
Eight hours of sleep isn’t a luxury we’re all afforded. Unfortunately, it isn’t one of those basic needs your body can do without for long. I eventually found out you’ve got to pay your sleep debt.
  • 1 October 2014
  • Author: Army Safety
  • Number of views: 10680
  • Comments: 0
Look, Don’t Touch
Prior to our 2008 deployment to a small fire base in Iraq, our unit was told we’d be getting three M114 HMMWVs equipped with the Automatic Fire Extinguishing System. Since no one knew anything about the AFES, we were given a nice PowerPoint presentation to explain the system’s capabilities. While the presentation was informative, it later became apparent that a few of us didn’t pay close attention to it.
  • 1 October 2014
  • Author: Army Safety
  • Number of views: 5109
  • Comments: 0