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From trimming trees to clearing fallen branches, there is no quicker way to get the job done than with a chainsaw. Unfortunately, there’s also almost no quicker way to get injured.

High, Hot, Heavy and Complacent

Upon reaching an OGE hover, the crew noted the power setting was just under 9.5 first limit indication (FLI), which put them in a time limit for how long they were allowed to be at that power setting.

  • 26 September 2021
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A Preventable Tragedy

I had just filled up my car and eased back onto Interstate 40 when I spotted a smoking mass of twisted metal ahead. I safely pulled my company truck to the side of the road, grabbed the fire extinguisher from the back and ran to the vehicle.

  • 26 September 2021
  • Comments: 0
Mitigating a Mountain of Risk

It’s no secret that the Fort Carson, Colorado, area offers some of the best outdoor activities in the country. Whether it’s hiking, fishing, hunting, snow sports, off-road sports or just sports in general, you can expect to find something you will enjoy.

  • 26 September 2021
  • Author: USACRC Editor
  • Number of views: 2850
  • Comments: 0
Widen Your Training Plan

Ask anyone who has attended an iteration of training at the Joint Readiness Training Center (JRTC) at Fort Polk, Louisiana, and they will tell you it was one of the most stressful exercises of their life.

  • 19 September 2021
  • Author: USACRC Editor
  • Number of views: 608
  • Comments: 0
Confidence Can Be a Killer

I’ve had many different jobs in my lifetime, but one seems to be ingrained a little deeper in my mind than the others. Maybe it’s because it was almost my last.

  • 19 September 2021
  • Author: USACRC Editor
  • Number of views: 473
  • Comments: 0