Risk Management Magazine

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Got a Flight Plan?

Although all’s well that ends well, I realize how lucky we were. I also realize how blatantly wrong I was not to file a flight plan before we departed.

The Unseen Hazard

As an officer and aviator in the U.S. Army, I — like most of you — have been exposed to a significant amount of safety training. We’ve all learned that the unseen hazard is oftentimes the most dangerous.

  • 14 November 2021
  • Comments: 0

“Every landing is a slope landing” was always preached to me during flight school and progression to Readiness Level 1. Now, instead of just doing it because I was told to, I believe in it from experience.

  • 7 November 2021
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Keep Driving Mishaps Down Every Quarter, Not Just the Fourth Quarter

As many of you have heard, aviation mishaps spike most years during the fourth quarter. However, I am excited to say that commanders have taken a proactive approach and reversed the trend of the dangerous fourth quarter.

  • 5 November 2021
  • Author: USACRC Editor
  • Number of views: 414
  • Comments: 0
Unmanned Aircraft Systems Safety - The Human Factor

As unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) continue to rapidly evolve to meet the needs of our Army, so has their evolution into our aviation formations. Yet, this rapid and somewhat unfettered demand and growth has come at a price, particularly with safety.

  • 3 November 2021
  • Author: USACRC Editor
  • Number of views: 1171
  • Comments: 0
Navigating Wintry Roads

Operating a military vehicle in snowy or icy conditions can be a challenge for any driver, especially if they’re not trained in winter driving techniques.

  • 1 November 2021
  • Author: USACRC Editor
  • Number of views: 3061
  • Comments: 0