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Season of Change

One of the most beautiful times of year to ride is during fall as nature’s colors reach their full brilliance. However, despite the season’s beauty, fall can be an especially dangerous time for riders. With days getting shorter and temperatures falling, motorcyclists need to adjust their riding techniques accordingly.

Don't Fly Faster Than Your Guardian Angel

Like many teenagers, I wanted a fast car that would impress my friends. When I finally turned 16 and got my driver’s license, my parents would often say, “Don’t drive faster than your guardian angel can fly.” I’m sure a few of you heard those same words. But did you know that phrase could also apply to aviation, like when a pilot gets behind the controls of an aircraft they’re unfamiliar with operating?

  • 15 September 2024
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Lowering the Boom

Suddenly, BAM! Out of nowhere, I struck what I thought was a ramp. It was actually a raised roadbed that was closer than I remembered. Worst of all, I hit it at a slanted angle. The roadbed was about 18 inches high and had a sloping angle to the side of it. Hitting it in a HMMWV or truck wouldn’t have been a big deal, but it proved much differently in the SkyTrak.

  • 15 September 2024
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Is the Juice Worth the Squeeze?

Few times in my life has an event disturbed me so deeply that, when I think about it even 10 years later, my heartrate still rises and a sickening lurch is conjured in the pit of my stomach. Given my current profession, this incident was embarrassing enough that I wish it could be forgotten, but it is still all too relevant and will forever be used as one of my most prominent teaching points.

  • 8 September 2024
  • Author: USACRC Editor
  • Number of views: 843
  • Comments: 0
Shifting Focus

Being in the National Guard, I’ve seen the emphasis placed on private motor vehicle (PMV) safety because of the vast distances some Soldiers must travel to and from drill. I’ve also noticed how that emphasis shifts when those same Soldiers are placed on orders at an armory or in the field for an extended period versus traveling daily to and from training.

  • 8 September 2024
  • Author: USACRC Editor
  • Number of views: 265
  • Comments: 0
Drinking from a Firehose

One of the closest calls I’ve experienced happened at the very beginning of my career where most great Army stories occur — the National Training Center (NTC) at Fort Irwin, California. I was a new infantry second lieutenant, freshly arriving at my armor battalion. Of what little I knew about being an officer, I knew even less about the (extremely important) role of the company XO.

  • 8 September 2024
  • Author: USACRC Editor
  • Number of views: 268
  • Comments: 0