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The observation of Fire Prevention Week, which this year runs Oct. 8 through 14, provides an opportune time to emphasize the importance of people knowing how to protect themselves and their co-workers should a fire happen.

Gone with the Wind

There I was, standing just inside the glass doors of the Myrtle Beach (South Carolina) International Airport Fixed Base Operations (FBO) and watching the monsoon-like winds building quickly from out of nowhere. The rain was coming down so hard it was getting difficult to see my twin-engine turboprop-powered C-26E transport parked on the line just 50 yards away. I watched in horror as my airplane started to move, as if it had come alive on its own. But let me back up to how I got to this point.

  • 1 October 2023
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The Wrong Way

When our first palletized load system (PLS) showed up, the driver dropped off a CONEX next to us. A second PLS then showed up and, while we were outside taking a break, we could hear it backing up. Suddenly, we heard Soldiers yelling for the PLS to stop. My only thought was, “This can’t be good.”

  • 24 September 2023
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No Man is an Island

We watch television, send and receive emails and text messages and make telephone calls daily. You’d think we’d be pretty adept at communicating, right? Not always. Let me share a personal example.

  • 24 September 2023
  • Author: USACRC Editor
  • Number of views: 168
  • Comments: 0
The Way You Train is the Way You Fight

As a senior NCO, I had the opportunity to influence many Soldiers over the years. Sometimes, however, my junior Soldiers impressed me instead of the other way around. One young Soldier affected the rest of my career — and even saved my life — by insisting on rehearsing rollover battle drills.

  • 17 September 2023
  • Author: USACRC Editor
  • Number of views: 343
  • Comments: 0
Forklift Fundamentals

Here’s a quiz: Which four-wheeled vehicle is among the toughest, hardest-working and has, at times, a center of gravity several feet off the ground? If you guessed monster truck, you’d be wrong. The correct answer is forklift.

  • 17 September 2023
  • Author: USACRC Editor
  • Number of views: 1617
  • Comments: 0