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Fixation Happens

Most everyone has heard horror stories involving target fixation, but they don’t believe it will ever happen to them.

Blinded by the Light

It wasn’t a typical rush-hour traffic pattern. Instead of a steady flow, vehicles were clumping in groups and coming to a stop in unpredictable patterns.

  • 14 August 2016
  • Comments: 0
The Weight of War

In his ancient military treatise "The Art of War," Sun Tzu notes that if you put your army on a forced march at a certain speed, you will lose one-tenth to two-thirds of your troops along the way.

  • 14 August 2016
  • Comments: 0
Do What You Brief

Being involved in direct-support air assaults brings its own hazards that we plan for and work out in every detail. We know where we are going and what time we are going to be there.

  • 7 August 2016
  • Author: Army Safety
  • Number of views: 1022
  • Comments: 0
There's Always Something

When I was a young sergeant, squad leader and shop foreman in a forward support company stationed at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, my section was shorthanded as we were training to deploy.

  • 7 August 2016
  • Author: Army Safety
  • Number of views: 1278
  • Comments: 0
Over the Edge

It was the Saturday of the first battle assembly weekend in the new fiscal year, and a staff sergeant and a few of his Soldiers were conducting a recon. The plan was to take a HMMWV into the hills to find the perfect location for training. This plan would have worked out great had it not rained the past two days.

  • 7 August 2016
  • Author: Army Safety
  • Number of views: 1215
  • Comments: 0