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The Silent Killer

Hundreds of people die every year from unintentional carbon monoxide poisoning. Most of us, however, are still unaware of the dangers of this potentially lethal gas.

Mayhem on the Motorway

I had just gotten gas and pulled back onto Interstate 40 when I spotted a smoking mass of twisted metal ahead. I pulled my company truck to the side of the road, grabbed the fire extinguisher from the back and ran to the vehicle. I was the only person who stopped. Everyone else just kept driving past the scene.

  • 1 January 2015
  • Comments: 0
Watch the Road

As a longtime motorcycle enthusiast and fan of riding periodicals, I read about various strategies for avoiding accidents. Articles warn of traffic-related problems motorcyclists encounter all too frequently — drivers backing out of driveways, oncoming drivers turning left and drivers in the left lane suddenly turning right.

  • 1 January 2015
  • Comments: 0
Fit on the Field

Being a Soldier is as physically demanding, at times, as being a professional athlete. As a result, Soldiers are especially conscious of physical training requirements and the need to remain fit and ready.

  • 1 January 2015
  • Author: Army Safety
  • Number of views: 10389
  • Comments: 0
Losing Your Head

I think everybody has at least one “there-I-was” story. In my 30 years in Army aviation, I have acquired a few. To me, these stories are life lessons. After all, if it didn’t kill you, it should make you smarter. Here’s one of my life’s lessons.

  • 1 January 2015
  • Author: Army Safety
  • Number of views: 10200
  • Comments: 0
In the Can

Have you ever wondered how a Soldier feels after coming home from a deployment in a country like Iraq? After living in dangerous and demanding conditions for a year or more, some of us feel incredibly strong — almost invincible. That feeling of invincibility got me into a dangerous situation during the winter of 2007.

  • 1 January 2015
  • Author: Army Safety
  • Number of views: 11184
  • Comments: 0