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School Crossing

As we arrived for the first day of school, my dad pulled over to the side of the road. In my excitement,  I jumped out, ran around the back of the car and then into the street toward the school. Then I woke up.

A Tragic Function Check
Weapons maintenance should be treated as a scheduled event and supervised. Watching movies or other distractions are contributing factors to inattentiveness and can cause accidents.
  • 1 August 2013
  • Comments: 0
Pushing the Limits
This is a typical “there-I-was” story, much like the ones I enjoy reading about in safety magazines. The only difference is I am the subject, and the following events (yes, that’s multiple events) happened to me. The lessons learned motivated me to change the way I think about my favorite hobby — motorcycle riding.
  • 1 August 2013
  • Comments: 0
Armed & Hammered
In today’s society, we are bombarded with messages informing us we shouldn’t drink and drive because alcohol impairs judgment and slows reaction time, which can make our vehicles deadly weapons. So why do we continue to see Soldiers consuming alcohol and handling firearms, which are designed to be deadly weapons without the addition of alcohol?
  • 1 April 2013
  • Author: Army Safety
  • Number of views: 11382
  • Comments: 0