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Jacked Up

The truck immediately slipped off one of the jack stands and came crashing to the garage floor. I jumped back and just stared at my truck leaning over on its side, the lower control arm now resting on the busted concrete.

The Importance of Having an Out

On that day, we got lucky in not having an aircraft accident — or seriously hurting someone. I learned the importance of power management. Even though we had calculated our performance planning just as we had been taught in flight school, I didn’t have the experience to truly apply it in flight.

  • 19 February 2023
  • Comments: 0
Sticking to Safety

Needlestick accidents are dangerous and should be treated as medical emergencies, especially if skin is broken and fluids are exchanged.

  • 19 February 2023
  • Comments: 0
Staring Down the Barrel

I believe you must learn lessons from certain events in your life. Life-changing situations can become blessings when viewed through the right lenses.

  • 19 February 2023
  • Author: USACRC Editor
  • Number of views: 206
  • Comments: 0
A Dangerous Move

We all know moving is a chore. What I didn’t realize, however, was getting my motorcycle to our new home would be the most difficult part.

  • 12 February 2023
  • Author: USACRC Editor
  • Number of views: 209
  • Comments: 0
Learn the Signs

With traumatic injuries, such as those seen in combat or vehicle accidents, it’s hard to know which injured Soldier needs care first. Sometimes, however, the Soldier that looks OK is the one who’s in most desperate need of help.

  • 12 February 2023
  • Author: USACRC Editor
  • Number of views: 212
  • Comments: 0