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The silver lining to the shorter, colder days of winter is the snow and the outdoor sports typically reserved for this time of year. Winter activities such as skiing, snowboarding, snowmobiling, sledding and ice skating provide fun, excitement, fresh air and good exercise for all ages.

Nature Calls

Are you one of those hardy souls who enjoys the great outdoors during winter? Sure, the Army trained you to work and fight in the cold, but what about when you’re off duty, hiking or backpacking with friends or family?


  • 6 November 2022
  • Comments: 0
A 'Routine' Ride

Success was finally at hand as the 700-pound elk laid at my feet. This magnificent creature was the culmination of hours upon hours of physical preparation, mental concentration and pure luck. I had achieved a lifelong dream — taking an elk with archery tackle.

  • 16 October 2022
  • Comments: 0
Headed for a Fall

It was October in south Mississippi and the weekend was upon us. For some, it was probably no different than any other weekend. For others, however, it signaled the beginning of something we’d looked forward to all summer — hunting season!

  • 11 September 2022
  • Author: USACRC Editor
  • Number of views: 798
  • Comments: 0
Training Smart

As Soldiers, we must maintain our bodies, physical fitness and mental alertness — not only for ourselves, but for our brothers and sisters in arms and our mission. Stay healthy, stay hydrated and accomplish the mission!

  • 1 August 2022
  • Author: USACRC Editor
  • Number of views: 486
  • Comments: 0
Troubled Waters

Running a boat on Alaska’s rivers can be dangerous — even more so if you don’t know what you’re doing or are unfamiliar with the area. Proper planning and knowledge of the area, your boat and your own limitations is crucial to ensure a safe and uneventful experience.

  • 24 July 2022
  • Author: USACRC Editor
  • Number of views: 328
  • Comments: 0