Risk Management Magazine

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Maintaining Awareness

It was the end of the workday and I was wrapping up my last task in the safety office. Suddenly, a Soldier busted through the door to inform me they just experienced a driver training mishap.

Courting Injury

Even in a situation as innocuous as recreational basketball, it was my duty to take care of myself so I could continue the original mission I was there to perform.

  • 4 April 2021
  • Comments: 0
Written Construction Plans

Not all OSHA regulations require written plans. When OSHA considers a safety or health hazard to be serious, it requires written documentation of the steps an employer takes to counteract or prevent the hazard. The question is which ones apply to your facility?

  • 4 April 2021
  • Comments: 0
Full Attention Required

Perhaps you know the type of overachiever who claims he can effectively carry out many tasks all at the same time. I’m one of those people. I can’t help it. Still, I know deep down I am more effective when I focus on one activity at a time.

  • 31 March 2021
  • Author: USACRC Editor
  • Number of views: 1021
  • Comments: 0
What Does It Take?

Several years ago, two Soldiers were killed when they hit an oncoming vehicle. They’d both been drinking and neither was wearing a seat belt. They’d been on their way to pick up a fellow Soldier and bring him back to a party. However, they never returned. What happened changed my life forever. I was their platoon sergeant.

  • 28 March 2021
  • Author: USACRC Editor
  • Number of views: 420
  • Comments: 0
No Place for Shortcuts

Our team cohesion was recognized by leadership, which named us best troop in the squadron. This boosted our confidence. In fact, I would say we became overconfident — maybe even a little cocky.

  • 28 March 2021
  • Author: USACRC Editor
  • Number of views: 581
  • Comments: 0