Risk Management Magazine

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Using a closed-loop system of risk management, the 8th Theater Sustainment Command (8th TSC) assesses, evaluates and mitigates risk to its Army watercraft systems (AWS) while conducting joint operations to support theater opening, theater sustainment and theater distribution within the U.S. Indo-Pacific area of responsibility (AOR).

Spring has Sprung: Time to Awaken the Beast!

The sun is shining, the birds are singing and the open road beckons. You’ve been waiting all winter to take your motorcycle out for the first ride of the year and the time has finally come. But wait — let’s check a few things first. Even if you winterized your motorcycle for off-season storage, you’ll want to read this 15-point checklist before you hit the road.

  • 8 March 2021
  • Comments: 0
Motorcycle Mishaps Increase during COVID-19 Pandemic

While COVID-19 cases nationally have dropped recently, the country is still in a full-fledged pandemic.

  • 8 March 2021
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Traffic Fatalities Rise despite COVID Lockdowns

Fatalities on U.S. highways rose 4.6% during the first nine months of 2020 despite coronavirus lockdowns that curtailed driving early in the year. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates 28,190 people died in traffic crashes from January through September of last year, up from 26,941 during the same period in 2019. Final statistics for the full year will not be released until this fall.

  • 8 March 2021
  • Author: USACRC Editor
  • Number of views: 778
  • Comments: 0
On Every Flight

One of the last things you expect to encounter when on a landing approach is a funnel cloud. Yet, it happened to me in Kandahar, Afghanistan, in the winter of 2013 on an intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance mission.

  • 21 February 2021
  • Author: USACRC Editor
  • Number of views: 970
  • Comments: 0
At All Times

My dad always took the time to ensure his children were safe. As soon as he noticed one of us doing something wrong or dangerous, he let us know immediately so it didn’t become a bad habit.

  • 21 February 2021
  • Author: USACRC Editor
  • Number of views: 624
  • Comments: 0