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Fatalities on U.S. highways rose 4.6% during the first nine months of 2020 despite coronavirus lockdowns that curtailed driving early in the year. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates 28,190 people died in traffic crashes from January through September of last year, up from 26,941 during the same period in 2019. Final statistics for the full year will not be released until this fall.

On Every Flight

One of the last things you expect to encounter when on a landing approach is a funnel cloud. Yet, it happened to me in Kandahar, Afghanistan, in the winter of 2013 on an intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance mission.

  • 21 February 2021
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At All Times

My dad always took the time to ensure his children were safe. As soon as he noticed one of us doing something wrong or dangerous, he let us know immediately so it didn’t become a bad habit.

  • 21 February 2021
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The Right Tools for the Job

Across the Army, Soldiers have many different hobbies to occupy their off-duty time. One of the main hobbies I often hear about is Soldiers working on their private motor vehicles. While doing the work themselves may help them save money on a costly repair or modification, it can be dangerous if they don’t have the proper tools to do the job safely.

  • 21 February 2021
  • Author: USACRC Editor
  • Number of views: 422
  • Comments: 0
The Danger of Poor Aircrew Selection

An aviator who lacks discipline can be more dangerous than any combat mission or emergency procedure.

  • 14 February 2021
  • Author: USACRC Editor
  • Number of views: 664
  • Comments: 0
It Is Your Problem Too

While riding to lunch with a couple of friends, one of them said, “Did y’all hear Jodie was killed in a car wreck?” I was shocked. Jodie and I had just made plans on Facebook to meet up before she deployed. I wondered how this could have happened. Then my other friend said, “You know she was never a good driver.”

  • 14 February 2021
  • Author: USACRC Editor
  • Number of views: 370
  • Comments: 0