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Although it may be hard for many to believe, it is possible to drive without having a cellphone grafted to your ear. Instead, try using a little common sense.

Phone FOD

As aviators, we know the importance of conducting a thorough preflight of our aircraft. It helps us ensure nothing is out of place, such as hardware or tools from a previous maintenance task.

  • 1 October 2020
  • Comments: 0
Proceed with Caution: Winter Driving Conditions Ahead

Operating a vehicle safely in winter weather can be a challenge for even the most experienced drivers.

  • 1 October 2020
  • Comments: 0
Preparing Your Ride for a Winter Nap

Properly preparing your motorcycle for winter storage can save time, headaches and money, especially once nice weather rolls around and the riding season begins.

  • 1 October 2020
  • Author: USACRC Editor
  • Number of views: 693
  • Comments: 0
Be Prepared and Aware While Hiking

As September gives way to October, cooler weather arrives. Summer has faded into fall colors. As many of us still seek ways to participate in activities while social distancing, hiking and other outdoor activities could be on the rise.

  • 29 September 2020
  • Author: USACRC Editor
  • Number of views: 1617
  • Comments: 0
Get to Know Your Manuals

Technical manuals (TM) are designed to ensure Soldiers and civilian personnel follow the proper procedures and heed safety warnings when operating or performing maintenance on equipment.

  • 27 September 2020
  • Author: USACRC Editor
  • Number of views: 606
  • Comments: 0