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Looking back on two recent non-combat, rotary-wing, fatal aviation mishaps reveals several commonalities.

My Little GSXR

I learned from my accident. I will treat every corner in the real world as though it is the first time I have ever encountered it.

  • 1 May 2020
  • Comments: 0
Driving Down Distractions

Outside of combat (and Thanksgiving with the in-laws), few endeavors are as fraught with danger as driving. Each year, there are more than 30,000 traffic fatalities in America. It almost makes the run to Kabul look sane. And yet, every day we see people behind the wheel eating, texting, reading — doing just about anything but watching the road.

  • 1 May 2020
  • Comments: 0
Electrical Hazards: Plug Into Safety

According to the National Fire Protection Association, 47,700 home fires in the U.S. are caused by electrical failures each year.

  • 1 May 2020
  • Author: USACRC Editor
  • Number of views: 1466
  • Comments: 0
Three BFV Mishaps: A Common Theme

A review of three recent M2A3 Bradley Fighting Vehicle (BFV) mishaps reveals a common theme.

  • 1 May 2020
  • Author: USACRC Editor
  • Number of views: 1288
  • Comments: 0
Unsung Heroes

Sometimes we take for granted the impact we can have on the lives of others. By enforcing standards and not turning a blind eye, a few of us may have already saved at least one life in our careers.

  • 26 April 2020
  • Author: USACRC Editor
  • Number of views: 494
  • Comments: 0