A 29-year-old Sergeant assigned to Fort Bragg, North Carolina, died in a PMV-2 mishap 11 March 2025 in Fayetteville, North Carolina, at 1905 local. The Soldier was operating his motorcycle when he collided with another vehicle while entering an intersection. The Fayetteville Police Department responded to the scene. Personal protective equipment use, training, speed and alcohol or drug involvement are currently unknown. No additional information is available at this time.
Since FY20, the Army has lost an average of 29 Soldiers a year to PMV-2 mishaps. This mishap was the 12th PMV-2 fatality of FY25 and below the number of fatalities for this same time last year.
Safety Tip
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 35% of fatal motorcycle accidents occur at intersections. In addition, 42% of fatal two-vehicle motorcycle crashes occurred when the other vehicle was turning left. Any intersection is potentially hazardous, whether it has stoplights, stop signs or is unmarked.
- Stay Alert to Navigate the Intersection: Maintain constant vigilance and be prepared for unexpected actions from other drivers.
- Ride at a Safe Speed: Approach intersections at a speed that allows you to react to changing conditions and avoid speeding.
- Be Observant: Pay close attention to other vehicles' movements, especially those preparing to turn across your path. Be aware of drivers' signals, head turns and steering wheel movements, which can indicate their intentions. Drivers often have a "tell" where they are about to go … a turn of the head or a steering wheel movement should signal you to cover your hand on the brakes (don't overreact, though). Look for wheel movement on cars approaching from the side.
- Practice Emergency Braking: Cover your brakes and be prepared to stop quickly. Make sure you improve your emergency braking skills. Most riders don't come near the stopping potential of their bike and tires. Training and continual practice are key to stopping your motorcycle by applying both brakes smoothly and firmly while rolling off the throttle. You should focus on the front brake and apply the rear brake a fraction of a second later.
- Learn "Brake, then Swerve" Techniques: Practice maneuvering to avoid potential collisions. A swerve is essentially two consecutive turns: one to avoid an obstacle, the second to recover. Always ensure you identify a safe place to swerve. Look for an escape route, then execute. Remember that braking and swerving are two actions that are executed separately. For example, if you must brake first, you should swerve second, or if you must swerve, then you should apply the brakes after. Remember that swerving is often more dangerous than emergency braking and can lead to an unintended mishap unless you are trained.
- Move Away from Turning Vehicles: After entering the intersection, move away from vehicles preparing to turn. Do not change speed or position radically. The driver might think you are preparing to turn.
- Don't Rely on Loud Pipes: Avoid relying on loud pipes or other passive strategies for safety.
- Give Yourself Space: Maintain a safe following distance behind other vehicles. Give yourself more time and space to respond by approaching intersections at conservative speeds. Speeding into intersections is a bad idea. Avoid trying to "make the light."
- Be Aware of Blind Spots: Be aware of other driver's blind spots and where they might lose sight of you. Selecting the optimum lane position is important so others can see you. Always be aware of your line of sight! Studies show that using high beams during the day can be helpful. Do not flash your lights, which other drivers could easily miscommunicate. Avoid "hiding" behind vehicles ahead, and do not tailgate.
- Take a Motorcycle Safety Course: Ensure you take a motorcycle safety training course to improve your riding skills and learn about safe intersection techniques.
The bottom line is that riding a motorcycle in traffic is risky. People make unsafe actions and take unnecessary risks. It's your job to do your best to minimize the risk by using effective strategies that give you some measure of control.