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A Lesson in Humility

During a recent trip to Acadia National Park in Maine, I learned a few valuable lessons: I am not as smart as I thought I was, and following established rules and policies protects me from harm. These lessons, although embarrassing, later saved me from greater harm in a different national park and may have prevented a tragic accident in my unit a few weeks later.

My Experience in the BRC

When I wanted to learn to ride a motorcycle, I set out to discover how “basic” the Basic RiderCourse (BRC) offered here at Fort Riley really was. You see, I was going to need a very basic, from the beginning, baby-step-by-step-style course if I was ever going to become a rider.

  • 9 July 2023
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Don't Get Burned this Fourth

Every July Fourth, Americans gather at parades, barbecues and other events to celebrate our nation’s independence. Traditionally, fireworks are the highlight of these celebrations. All too often, though, the night ends badly due to someone’s carelessness. Unfortunately, I speak from experience.

  • 25 June 2023
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Many years ago, I was a young platoon leader (PL) deployed to Mosul, Iraq. One afternoon, after completing a round of checkpoint missions, I heard about a track meet the forward operating base was hosting. As a hard-charging PL, I took my job seriously, but I also believed in personal downtime.

  • 18 June 2023
  • Author: USACRC Editor
  • Number of views: 279
  • Comments: 0
Rising Waters

The road has several improved low water crossings as it winds through the alluvial fans of eroded material along the eastern flanks of the mountains. All of these were dry as I proceeded up the canyon. The sun was still shining when I stopped at a picnic area in the canyon to stretch my legs and take in the scenery.

  • 18 June 2023
  • Author: USACRC Editor
  • Number of views: 161
  • Comments: 0
Check to Protect

It’s time for your road trip. In preparation, you work through a checklist to make sure you are ready. All the essentials are packed and then you remember, “I need to check my vehicle.” You look at the tires to ensure they are properly inflated, check the fluid levels, fill the gas tank and maybe even have a mechanic inspect the vehicle. However, one important safety item often is overlooked. Did you check if your vehicle has an open safety recall?

  • 11 June 2023
  • Author: USACRC Editor
  • Number of views: 394
  • Comments: 0