Risk Management Magazine

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You’ve scoured eBay, read all the classified ads, looked at Craigslist and finally found that classic motorcycle you’ve wanted since you were 17 but couldn’t afford. You were even lucky enough to find one that just needed the old gas drained from the tank, new gas poured in and the engine started. Do you just get on it and ride? No, you don’t!

Operating on the Edge
I experienced a situation one summer where power management and performance planning were of the utmost importance.
  • 21 July 2019
  • Comments: 0
Dirty Canopy
On preflight I noticed the canopy had not been cleaned from the previous mission. I notified the crew chief and finished my preflight preparations.
  • 14 July 2019
  • Comments: 0
Managing Chemical Hazard Risks in the Workplace
Every individual working with or near chemicals must understand the associated risks to avoid injuries.
  • 14 July 2019
  • Author: USACRC Editor
  • Number of views: 1099
  • Comments: 0
How I Shot Myself
I placed my thumb on the hammer and proceeded to ride it forward when, suddenly, I sent a .45-caliber hollow-point bullet into my thigh!
  • 14 July 2019
  • Author: USACRC Editor
  • Number of views: 3648
  • Comments: 0
The Tick Threat
Native ticks and the burgeoning bacteria, viruses and parasites they spread through their bites have been a growing problem in the United States.
  • 7 July 2019
  • Author: USACRC Editor
  • Number of views: 1298
  • Comments: 0