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The Profession of Arms can be difficult. At times, it involves missions in the extreme heat while wearing body armor and carrying weapons, ammunition and other gear. The Army’s answer for preventing Soldiers from becoming heat casualties is proper water intake. So, for decades, we’ve transported that water to the front lines via the 400-gallon M149 trailer — otherwise known as the water buffalo.

Stay Alert, Stay Alive

Of all the lessons learned during our brigade’s yearlong deployment, none have returned to me more than the words “Complacency Kills.” That warning was emblazoned on a T-barrier in the center of the forward operating base as a daily caveat to our greatest planning measures: pre-combat checks (PCCs) and pre-combat inspections (PCIs).

  • 11 June 2023
  • Comments: 0
Know the Signs of Driver Fatigue

When operating or riding in a tactical vehicle, always wear the appropriate personal protective equipment, including a combat helmet and proper restraints. They can save your life.

  • 4 June 2023
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Standing Up for Safety

In the quest to be the best-trained, best-equipped military in the world, Soldiers and equipment are pushed to the limit during grueling exercises and operations. We cannot forget, however, that we must always consider and integrate safety into any activity, both on and off duty.

  • 7 May 2023
  • Author: USACRC Editor
  • Number of views: 288
  • Comments: 0
If You Can't See It, Don't Cross It

The structure wasn’t exactly what comes to mind when picturing a bridge; it was more of a low water crossing. If not for the previous days’ rain, crossing this bridge would have been simple. Now, it was flooded.

  • 23 April 2023
  • Author: USACRC Editor
  • Number of views: 306
  • Comments: 0
Untrained Drivers: A Dangerous Game

It was a typical summer night at the Joint Readiness Training Center — hot and humid. A unit was conducting an exercise that simulated an assault on a town and included mounted and dismounted Soldiers. Shortly after the exercise began, the light infantry dismounted from a truck about one kilometer from the objective and linked up with some M1 tanks.

  • 16 April 2023
  • Author: USACRC Editor
  • Number of views: 377
  • Comments: 0